Obviously Something Stupid
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Tian Says:

Well sorry guys but this week you're gonna be stuck with a filler episode. However this time it has absolutely nothing to do with me being away. It also has nothing to do with me being unable to stay on schedule. This time I'm actually sick. Well actually it has little to do with that either. It has most to do with my plans with this comic. You see, as I've seen from reader responses to other webcomics, in particular Megatokyo, people don't seem to like story comics. It just so happens that my next three comics will probably be story comics. So I figure if I squash all the three comics together to all be released at once or in very short intervals of time, I won't have to listen to any bitching (especially from the very bitch-master himself, Jeff). so anyways until then, you'll get filler comics.

This week I was supposed to post Bijan's comic. Yes people, he drew a filler comic. Well actually he just traced my drawings and manipulated them so that he'd create a new comic. But you see, I was sick today so I wasn't in school. Because I wasn't in school, and barely conscious for most of the day for that matter, I couldn't get Bijan's comic. And I also couldn't give it to my designated scan-man.

Well anyways that's all for now. I have little to say about this comic. I'll just say that it started from a conversation between a friend of mine and myself when he stated that he likes to have sex to the sound of the Donkey Kong Theme. One classic game led to another and Voila, we have Pac-man sex. Well, no I don't mean that my friend and I literally had Pac-man sex but Pac-man sex was something we had. Wait no what I meant was, oh nevermind. You probably know what I'm saying anyways. Well now sit back and relax cause after a few moments, you'll get to hear some of Jeff's rampant bitching.

Max Says:
"this was the worst yet"
"probably worse than Jeff's comic"
#1: Jeff wouldn't have sex in the first place.
#2: Jeff doesn't act like pac-man.
#3: Bobbing for apples... that's just stupid.

Jeff's additional comments:
#4: Jeff doesn't play pacman. The only time I have ever played is one day in math when I was really really bored, and I had never tried it before. Vectors are more worth my attention.
#5: Definitely agree with #3, I mean, who bobs for apples??
#6: Looks like you were pretty desperate...
#7: One of those apples bears a striking resemblence to a lemon... which just makes it an even worse idea.
#8: I'm pretty sure no one wants to hear about your conversations about pac man sex.
#9: I'm still waiting for you to make someting funny without making fun of someone. It is possible. I'll refrain from ranting now though...

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