Obviously Something Stupid
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Tian Says:
Happy Belated Birthday Ashley!

And so I finally present to you the long awaited comic 007. It like it's ink shaken, not stirred... Okay stupid joke. Anyways it's been quite a while since I've done comic. After just having a great time on vacation, I've come back to finally launch the storyline of my comic. For those of you who don't know, I've just spent last week snowboarding on the slopes of Telluride, Colorado. I had a great time and I've come back with the worst case of ski goggle raccoon eyes anybody had ever seen. Sun block really does absolutely jack for me. Right now it taking a bit to readjust to drawing everyday instead of snowboarding. I really haven't drawn in a while and my hand is a bit out of practice, but by now I've already been able to get my doodling back in line.

Without me doing the comics, it seems as though everything has gone to hell. From what I've heard and seen, the past two weeks were a disastor. I actually drew most of this comic before vacation. However with tests, work, a project, and packing and planning for the trip, I didn't have enough time to finish. I didn't even finish drawing and much less doing all the computer editting. With all the crap that's always on my scans, a lot of computer work is necessary. I knew I wouldn't be able to finish ahead of time, so I put the burden of keeping the comic updated on Jeff. I was just expecting Jeff to do some crap filler and nothing special. Something like what Shirt-Guy-Dom would do when he fills in for Fred Gallagher on Megatokyo. So with expectations as low as that, it'd be a great feat to really disappoint me. somehow Jeff still managed to pull it off.

Before all else, I have to make clear that I'm not really that pissed off. I'm really not that ticked off. But disappointed, I am. I really don't care about the quality of the filler as long there was some. Jeff could've made a comic about his day at the mall buying shoes for all I care. All I wanted Jeff to do was fill-in with crap. How good that crap was didn't matter, I just wanted sheer matter. But there wasn't any! Last week there was not only no crap filler, but no filler at all! Something other webcomic artists have always said as the best advice, is to stay on schedule. Staying on schedule should stay above all else. Well so much for that. Wehn I confronted Jeff about why there was no comic last week he replied with, "Oops, I forgot." Grrrrrrr...

Now since I've shown that the comic is open to guest filler, I've recieved a few offers to be the filler artist. Specifically from two people, Bijan and Max, two people who are even characters in the comic. From now on I'll probably go to one of them to be my filler artist since Jeff has proven himself to be too forgetful. I should probably make a collection of guest comics first and then just go through them when the time is needed. Well anyways I'll do something. There probably won't be any fill-ins for a while though.

Well anyways enough about the disaster over vacation, time to move on. Today's comic is dedicated to a certain Maitre'd I once met while going to the movies. It was the most interesting mix of vulgarity, courtesy and cordiality I had ever seen. I'm sure you can guess exactly what type of person he was by this comic. Well expect him to reappear occaisionally as an extra. Kinda like RPG World's "Sigh... Times are tough"-guy, expect him to be my reoccuring disgruntled employee. Anothing thing I have to make note of is the way Jeff and I act towards each other in this comic. We're really like this in real life. Yes, really. As many will testify, we really call each dumbass and moron back and forth. Occaisionally we switch placs but it's pretty much been established that I am the moron and he is the dumbass. Also I wonder how many people will really get the movie title joke. Infact I don't even completely get it. There's just so much a movie title like that could mean.

Anyways as for what the future holds... Looks like I have a secret history with the new girl. Oooooooooooh! What could it possibly be? Well you'll have to wait for 008 to find out. 008 is already well on it's way. I've already drawn half or so of it. I'm trying to follow the advice of other webcomic artists by drawing comics ahead of time. It's pretty hard to stay on time. You eat through "buffer" comics like Jeff through cheddar cheese.

Jeff Says:
Well... besides some interesting spelling/grammatical errors in the comments, I really don't have much to talk about. I am slightly confused (as is often the case) about the purpose of this comic. I was under the impression that it was a comic. Now, if one looks at dictionary.com, which is most often the closest dictionary, (specifically here, for those who are interested,) one will note that in the definition of "comic" it mentions humor and comedy several times. I may be missing something, but the only humor (or attempt thereat*) I see in this comic is the movie title. And it's hardly worth the thought. You say that this is based on some guy at a movie theater, but apparently you had to be there to think it's funny. And in all probability, not many people besides you were there.

* thereat is actually a word, although I may not have used it right... see here. Also it is an anagram of theater, which happens to be on the line directly below it.

P.S. tripod's cgi thingy sucks. die tripod.

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