Obviously Something Stupid
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Tian Says:
Another week another comic. Now I'm not particularily proud of 006 but atleast I don't absolutely hate it. Since 005 was a pretty good hit, despite how some people found it nasty or juvenile, I guess you guys can take another un-funny comic. But this comic wasn't really made to be downright hilarious. The last one served that purpose, this one has a much more meaningful purpose in mind.

As I make this comic I have to deal with a lot of $h1t from everybody. For one thing there's Vinny who thinks I only draw girls because I dream of fornicating with them. Besides that he only makes negative comments about my comic with only the most crude of slang. There's also Daniel, who despite not yet seeing a single episode of my comic, still thinks I draw porn. Infact he thinks anime is a genre made up entirely of porn (he's quite a racist asshole). Obviously there's Jeff who doesn't know how to compliment but then again that's just Jeff. But my issues go beyond just petty comments that piss me off.

I'm extremely annoyed by the many instances of people giving me bad plot ideas for my comic. After my experience, I can now honestly say that some people out there just don't know how to be funny, only stupid. Some people honestly requested that I make a certain comic about either cheese or David Tang who is really no more animate than cheese. Now I depicted these people as Jeff and Max in this comic but it's really not them who I have the most trouble with. They are completely innocent of any such charges. I just used them in my comic since they've already appeared and therefore they'd be familiar images.

The amount of $h1t you go through when making a comic is quite literally of biblical proportions. I really mean $h1t raining for 40 days and 40 nights. I really mean fire and brimstone raining from the heavens. This is some immense $h1t. Not only do I have to deal with annoying stupid comments but I have to deal with pretty much only negative feedback. Yeah I know my art sucks @$$ but what do you even know about good art? And for that matter, good humor? Most of the people who wail on and on about the crappiness that is my comic can't draw $h1t and have the humor of an episode of Teletubbies. To all those people who make daily complaints about my comic, fuck off.

Anyways now that I've gotten my incessant ranting out of the way, on to business. I'll have 007 up for next week but after that week, it'll be february vacation and I'll be going away. Since I'll be gone, I don't know what I'll do to fill in the void yet but I'm sure I'll think of something. I might be able to cram out two comics next week but seeing as how the tests are already piling up, I doubt it. I dunno I'll think of something, hbut I can definitely garuntee you that you won't find yourself with an empty page. Maybe I can get one of those people who think they're so much better than me to do a comic, hmmmm...

So for once the possibility of a story is mentioned in my comic. So will there eve be an actual story? So far we've already had the Foot Anatomy arc, now what? Well you'll have to wait for 007 and see.

Jeff Says:
Well then... At first I was very worried because I thought the sole purpose of this comic was to make fun of me for something I didn't even do, as was 004. Then I read Tian's comments and realized that there actually was a point. But first I'll complain about the completely inaccurate attempt at making fun of me. I don't know where you got it, but I do not run around saying "Make me" at any random point in or out of a conversation. I may have said it once or twice when it was relevant, but not in any way suggested by the last frame. But I suppose I'll forgive you, I can understand the need to make fun of me.

Anyway, on to more exciting things, like the plot (or lack thereof). I see now what the point is, after reading your comments. I didn't realize you were so annoyed at everybody. But I still think David Tang would make a great plot, even though he is no more animate than cheese. And I don't know who suggested cheese, but it is not the plot idea, but how you use it. Hmm that sentence was a mess. You could turn cheese into something funny if you really tried. Like in this one... sorta...

And from a technical view, it is decent too. I am a bit worried, though, about what happened to you in the 3rd frame. Maybe i'm missing something, but are you turning into Medusa? Also, I don't really like the way you put the ....... dots like that in the speech bubbles. I think "... blah blah" would probably work better, it just looks kinda weird on it's own line misshaping the bubble. Besides that, I commend your work. Especially for putting me on the cheddar side, because it is, after all, so much better than american :-)

So overall this one is better than it seems, although I have high hopes for 007, with these hints of a "story"! (gasp) Amazingly enough, Tripod is being (relatively) fast again today! Yay!

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