Obviously Something Stupid
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As some of you may know, I'm a half-decent amateur artist [Actually I royally suck but that was just a nicer way of saying it]. Anyways, one day I was thinking that maybe I should start drawing my own comic series. Afterall, there are already a ton of webcomics out there that have really crappy art, art even crappier than mine [Yes, it is possible]. So I figured, since they could do it, so could I.

The title of my comic is Obviously Something Stupid because for one thing, it's obviously going to be something very stupid. Other than that, it was titled so because if you ever ask Jeff Wehrwein what Tian is doing, he'll say, "Obviously Something Stupid" [Heh heh, get it?]. For now the comic is just bare bones. Cold naked bare bones that have been half gnawed down. Hey it only started on January 8th, 2002! What do you expect?

I, the great and magnificent Tian Xie, created and designed this site however I will not be the one maintaining it. This is mainly because I barely have enough time in life to draw the comics themselves and to maintain the site as well is just crazy. I already go to sleep everynight at 2:00AM and I don't want it to get any worse than that. I'm gradually losing my health and sanity as it is.

-- Tian "skyxie" Xie

07/15/2002 Tian Says:
     Next week on Tuesday the 23rd I shall be leaving on vacation to Colorado with my relatives for a week. In other words, no comic. So anyways if you feel like doing a guest filler comic in the period of my absence, e-mail me. I almost never check my e-mail but I doubt that'll be a problem.
06/22/2002 Tian Says:
     Well I've finally finished finals as of this week. Stupid Massachusset school system. we start later and end later than anyone else. Even the colleges are affected by this. Harvard didn't get out until the week before Memorial day weekend. Some of my cousins at Southern colleges have been done with school for ages now.
     Anyways with the start of summer also comes more new comics. It's about damn time anyway. I've been holding this off for too damn long now. There's just one sad truth about how the comics will be going now and that's revealed in this week's comic. I'm sorry people!
06/10/2002 Tian Says:
     Finals blah, blah, blah. Yeah so anyways life sucks and is full of stress. Also by the way I fell asleep studying today so I feel like utter sh1t inside, outside, and everywhere. I've been staying up late way too much lately and even though finals are closing in I still procrastinate like hell. I really hate all this so much.
     But despite of all the nerve-wreckingness of finals I still have time to worry about my site. So anyways just to keep you guys amused a little for the time being that I am filled with finals, I present to you two more Random Anime Girl Sketches. Random Anime Girl 5: That is one weird shirt she's wearing... and Random Anime Girl 6: Anime girl with skirt and book... Yeah that's about it. Anyways enjoy in all your random anime girl picture quality. I know some fo the guys out there appreciate it. ^_^

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